How concentrated your urine is. Pregnancy tests used to recommend using your first pee of the morning, when more hCG is present.
So with every additional day you wait, there's a better chance you'll have hCG in your system, and the home pregnancy test gets more accurate.
It depends on when and how you use them, but some pregnancy tests claim to be up to 99 percent accurate if you follow the instructions - although experts say in reality accuracy is closer to 75 percent. And yes, it’s true that any line you see in the pregnancy test result panel, no matter how faint it is (or no matter how faint you feel), means that there's hCG in your system - and a baby in your future. The result itself requires a couple minutes. You'll see a control indicator (either a horizontal or vertical line, a filled-in circle or a flashing control symbol in digital tests) to let you know that the pregnancy test is working.
Will a pregnancy test be accurate 4 days before period how to#
Follow the home pregnancy test package directions for how long you should wait and how to identify a positive result.You'll either hold the test stick in your stream of urine for a few seconds, or collect your urine in a cup and dip the stick into it.Read the package directions thoroughly and follow them meticulously.Check the expiration date and avoid using an expired pregnancy test.Don’t drink too many liquids before you take the pregnancy test because it can dilute hCG levels.The details of how you should use a home pregnancy test vary by brand - but in general, it's probably the simplest test you'll ever take. Moms Describe Trying to Conceive in Just 3 Words How to take a pregnancy test That means you'll likely get a "false negative" even if sperm has met egg. If you test just seven days after ovulation, pregnancy tests generally can't pick up the very low levels of hCG in your urine. While home pregnancy tests are growing ever more sensitive and accurate, there is a limit to how soon a pregnancy test you buy can work. Although it'll be hard to wait even a few days to find out whether there's a baby in your future, you may be wasting your money if you try taking a pregnancy test the morning after you hope you conceived. How soon can you take a pregnancy test?Ĭan’t wait to pee on that stick? Understandably, you're likely wondering how early pregnancy can be detected by a home pregnancy test. Your best bet is to wait to take a pregnancy test until about 19 days after fertilization in order for hCG to build up to a level that’s detectable in your urine. HCG production begins as soon as the embryo implants in your uterus, which is between six to 12 days after fertilization.Īs soon as a test can detect hCG, it can show you (depending on the brand) an extra pink line, a blue one, a positive sign or a big digital yes - all indicating a positive result.